The Enchanted Forest of ….
The Welsh Harp – Queen’s Park – Roundwood Park – Gladstone Park
Fun and relaxing walk
Open yourself to nature on a spellbinding journey through the magic of nature
- Legends about nature from around the world
- Stories from local history
- Poetry, art and music
- Meditation and mindful movement
For dates and to book free tickets visit
The world of trees has always been an essential part of human life. It is in our DNA to be part of the eco-system of forests and fields. Nowadays it is not always easy to connect to the natural world of our fore-fathers.
We have found a way to help you open up your conscious mind to nature by bringing together story telling, creative arts, mediation and mindful movement on a walk in your local park.
Mindfulness activities and breathing exercises will help you achieve a sense of calm. Slowing down, tuning into Nature Sounds and gentle mindful movement will give you a heightened awareness of your body and the space around you, and will help achieve have a more relaxed and peaceful state of mind.
Ancient people saw nature as their protection, inspiration, entertaining and the ultimate source of life, in physical and spiritual way. Now you, too, can find a new “you” on our special journey through the Enchanted Forest of your local park!